I’ve been back home for a few days now – I really enjoyed having a break, though I was very happy to see my dungeon again after two weeks! Though I did stay in a crazy BnB in Tamworth that had a room called The Dungeon )scroll down to see it) so of course I had to stay there! There was fake stone wallpaper and lots of steel bars… plus a riding crop on the bed and some shackles on the wall 😉 In Tamworth – who would have thought!
Been laying low (online) a little bit – I got back on Thursday night and had a few hours of fun playtime with ozibootslave on Friday – I must say he’s getting more and more responsive to certain types of torment all the time 😉
Saturday was fun also – with a few severe caning (happy sigh) and some lovely sensual piercing… though I started feeling a bit under the weather when I was cleaning up – not during session cause I’m usually too focussed to really notice so much…
But I had a cold 🙁 so I spent yesterday in my jammies…
Feeling much better today – still taking it pretty easy – but I’m looking forward to my session tonight of smothering and leather fetish – yumm – leather fetish!
So anyway – back again!