So everyday updates kinda fade in comparison to my previous news… but still – I’m running around doing regular stuff as well – umm – regular stuff for me that is. Not so sure how regular it is in comparison to the rest of the world 😉
Of course for me – that means dressing up in fabulous outfits and playing a lot – hehe – I have such a tough life – snicker…
I think one of the best things about being a ProDomme is getting to do a lot of different things with different people. One day it’s singing nursery rhymes to my Sissy Baby – the next I’m beating a heavy masochist with the super intense Singapore Prison Cane – or attaching electrodes to the genitals. Or dressing someone in a very slutty pvc dress and boots and doing sordid things to their bottom!
Though really – it’s hard to think of many bad things about being a ProDomme… I honestly wake up every day and am grateful I get to dress up and play – and that’s my *work*! Oh – and having a perfect excuse to buy toys and fetish wear. “I need it for my work” – who can argue with that 😀 Though I’m trying to stop acquiring new things until after I move! Though I *am* still expecting some latex boots I ordered from the UK a couple of weeks ago.