- 00:04 @skott303 ooohhhh – huzzah! #
- 11:28 who knew – neil gaiman wears rmwilliams… #
- 14:42 Yikes, the show is crazy! Thank goodness for member’s stand… #
- 16:19 I have new joddies! Blue Waldhausen ones 🙂 #
- 19:05 Novice footslave who had been seeing “massage” girls. Not sure if I was what he was expecting, but he did surprisingly well 😉 #
- 19:06 @MistressKatya what are the interviews for? #
- 20:02 I went to the kwik-e-mart to get tonic water and corn chips and somehow came back with easter eggs as well! I felt sorry for the guy… #
- 21:02 @skott303 oooohhhh…. #
- 21:54 @RobvonDoom – the footslave? yeah… well mostly. he did get yelled at when he was early. But I was v. nice in session 😉 #