- 00:37 Owwie, the kung fu gods are punishing my lazy training habits with a blister on my toe! Okay – I’m back working hard now. Promise! #
- 12:01 Today is bad technology day, made of fail… Sooooo cranky, though swearing at the automated optus lady never helps. #
- 12:06 @badpauly – sigh me too…. stabby stabby #
- 14:53 @sassafraslowrey ah, but how big is the bag 😉 #
- 15:28 Maintenance day today, first owwie massage, then yummy vege juice – next is a haircut. We’ll see how that one goes 😉 #
- 18:13 Loving my hair, wish I could keep my hairdresser in the bathroom cabinet to make it shiny everyday 😉 #
- 23:06 I didn’t go to uberlook tonight – I’m not so much a Stand and Model, S&M person 😉 plus I have Martial Arts training tomorrow morning! #