Back on the West Coast

by | May 25, 2010

Well yesterday I very sadly packed up my belongings and headed off to JFK… I had such a great time in New York.

Once again I’ve failed to do cultural or tourist sort of activities – no shows or visits to anything impressive – unless you count Leatherman as an important cultural icon! My New York visits always seem to focus on spending time with Mistress Wynter, lots of awesome sessions and occasionally darting out to do a bit of shopping!

Apart from picking up some nice new toys, I didn’t even do much shopping! I was planning on visiting the Louboutin store on Horatio Street but ran out of time and they were closed on Mondays when I had a couple of hours spare… sigh – oh well – I’m not really a sandals person so I might have to come back in boot weather and really go crazy!

I’m happy to be back in the Bay Area again – though I’m heading down to Sacramento in a couple of hours! My friend Ms Minax has sub there who’s keen to play with both of us so off we go… It will be interesting to visit somewhere new :)

Originally published at Mistress Servalan on tour. You can comment here or there.