Understandable of course – as my LJ has only been up for half an hour or so!
But even so – I’m hoping that someone will want to be my friend
Perhaps I should go to be and the friend fairy will come in the night and give me some!
I’m rather awake though – a combination of the beginning of daylight savings and the fact that I didn’t get home till after dawn this morning and thus slept in for quite some time. I usually finish at SK at around Midnight on Saturday night – but last night I was in session till after then – and then when I got out the recepetionist said that there was a couple who wanted a Mistress to come into session with them…. and I was the only person who saw couples there that night.
So in I trotted… oh dear! Couples are very odd as a general rule – some are fantastic – generally I love Mistress training sorts of couples – but while these folk were sorta like that – in so far as he wanted to sub to her – it was all a bit odd. They were in a bit of an altered state – so I felt a bit like a babysitter….
Some was good (some v. pretty bondage on both or them – gotta love switches) some was okay – nothing horrid – cause I kept it all well under control… but it was hard to work out exactly what they were into. Each other would be the best answer I suppose!
Anyway – two extensions and a time-change later and I’m not into bed until 6am!
But – a busy day tomorrow – some work to do for *other* work, back to SK and the rugby!!! So nighty bears seem like a good idea…