
by | Jan 20, 2004

Hey there,

I finally saw the LOTR – I can’t believe it took me so long!

Very fun – though as someone who’s read the books rather too many times I’m a bit of a nit-picker about what was or wasn’t left in – and what the characterisations were like! All part of the fun of course 😉

Have “set a date” for the dungeon painting – but haven’t actually got a confirmed paint colour! eeeekkkk – it’s only a few days away on Sunday…

I’m thinking a cold steel blue – I personally am a little sick of pinky-red dungeons – though I do admit that it’s a nice traditional colour… maybe for the “deep dungeon” or catacombs.

I’ve still got a lot to do before everything’s the way I want it, plus still a lot of things I want to buy!