eeek – a massage

by | Feb 2, 2004

Off to bed – having had a fair share of beer following week 4 of Short and Sweet!

I’m scared of my massage tomorrow!

My massage therapist is a friend, but also one of the most hard-core sadists I’ve ever met! Though I know she’s quite vanilla… she laughs as she hurst you… just like me really, but without the more erotic overtones and the fetishwear!

I’ve been suffering a sore back for ages, but haven’t done anything about it – it took my neck/shoulder being all wrong to get me to call her – cause I know how much its going to hurt – eek

I think that I need to accept that regular visits to the massage therapist and osteopath are part of being a Dominatrix – 8″ heels and 20″ corsets take their toll on the body!

Fingers crossed – she’s only 5’2″ and about 48kg, but has the pointiest elbows and strongest hands in captivity – she makes professional footballers weep!!!