Has anyone noticed how much terrible bondage there is on the net… Often I think it’s because a photographer will think “let’s tie the model’s hands together” or whatever – honestly guys a lot of the time it just looks like shite… get someone to rig for you or take the time to learn to do it properly if that’s what you want to do.
What is so much worse though – is when a Mistress puts bad bondage photos on her website! eek – now no one’s bondage is perfect all the time (oh okay, maybe Mistress Arika’s!) but really – what you choose to show on your site is what you are most proud of… I have seen not just ugly lets-use-every-rope-in-the-dungeon work, but one-wiggle-and-it-all-falls-off!
Blergh – I wonder if most subs can tell the difference? I guess the bondage ones can! Hmm – not that I’ve put my money where my mouth is on my site at the moment… I know promises promises but I do have a heap of photos of my bondage – I just haven’t put them anywhere!