One more sleep!!!

by | May 14, 2004

Well as many may not know – it’s Leather Pride week this week… sadly I’ve been a bit too busy to go to some of the very cool workshops etc on at the moment – but I did win the hogtie competition at the Leather Pride Fairday!

Sessions have been pretty cool! Especially with my regular cp sub – this time he brought me the most wonderful Scotchman’s Hill Cab/Merlot blend! Plus a sub I’ve been seeing for a long time – always very intense – and always very different… for once – I didn’t cane when I had a chance (amazing I know)

Today I went to the wonderful Radical Leather to pick up my Inquisition tickets, and somehow ended up ordering a new paddle and hood – as you do…. it’s just that their stuff is so much better than anyone else’s.

I also bought a wonderful Naval Officer’s Dress Whites (or at least the uniform jacket) – omg I’ve wanted one for so long! Now I need to get all the bottom half etc etc…. mmmm – sexy uniform!

Tonight my dungeons hosted the final SLPA workshop of Leather Pride week – a fisting workshop. Now I am experienced in this area, yet it was great to listen to someone with many more years of experience speak about anal fisting and also to observe the boys’ demonstration! There was also a demonstration of vaginal fisting – and a great mix of people of all orientations – I really like to be able to give back to the community… and providing a safe home for workshops is an easy ask!


My rigging is famous! Well – rather the talented serpentine_kiss‘s photography is famous – one of which I rigged for… on the Sax website in a new gallery just don’t buy any gear from them!!! Their budget is all in the website and not in the leather…. go to Radical – they’re twice as good and half the price. Just my opinion of course….

Anyway – my phone will be OFF from after lunch tomorrow until Tuesday morning – (oh and I’m already busy on Tuesday)