Isn’t it a bitch when the past looms up and bites you in the arse…
About 12 or 14 years ago I was betrayed and abused by someone who I considered a friend. It taught me a big lesson about trust, and also about trusting your gut instinct – if someone seems a bit sleazy – don’t *ever* let down your guard with them for even a second…
Anyway – nastiness occurred, I dealt with it and thought that after a lot of screaming at the kick-bag in Muay Thai I would be able to let go. Cue ten years of peacefulness…
Then guess what – a certain sleazy, pasty scumbag resurfaces – lying and slandering me. Which is the key point here… while certain things and levels of betrayal can never be “forgiven and forgotten” – I would never mention such a thing and it’s inappropriate to be proud of such a low and despicable act. It makes me sick to my stomach that this disgusting ugly person would even mention my name…
This is not a “misunderstanding” or divergent recollections – later actions with other people only reinforced the truth of a certain persons pathetic, sleazy and criminal behaviour…
Oh – and there is an original witness – a true friend who knows the facts and was there to help pick up the pieces…
You know who you are – stop lying about me to people… Pretend that we never even met. That way if by some strange chance our paths should cross we can smile and nod and not feel nauseated and violent (or perhaps that’s only *my* reaction).