meme and update

by | Sep 2, 2004

I had such a busy day yesterday which is good! Three sessions and a quick catchup with beltmeplease for a chance to torment him and also have a chat and a bite to eat…

Sessions were all really good – first was a new client – new to me that is, but he had seen a number of Mistresses that I know… it’s always interesting meeting new subs and working out what areas we can explore together. Second session was someone I’ve been seeing for a quite a few months, I always look forward to his sessions – he’s discovered that I’m not as “scary” as I seemed online – but has learned to love the cane! Last session was a sub I’ve seen for years – and is always “Mistress’s choice” with the occasional request…

Today I cleaned and washed towels and some of my latex and stuff… went out for dinner in Newtown (hence the full!) and generally just had a nice day.

Oh – and in memeland…

If your life was a sci-fi TV show… by guybrush
Series Name:
Core sci-fi trope:
Your nerdy but brilliant scientist: fraerie
Your robot/half-alien/etc. trying to become human: mordwen
Your sexy but brilliant scientist: deense
Version of you from a parallel universe: bluefirefly
Your brooding but brilliant scientist: katjaminx
Your hot-headed military/action type: dr_nic
Number of seasons before cancellation: 6
Your show is cancelled because: the creator’s grand plan is shit, and everyone can see it coming.
The chance of your show becoming a cult hit is:: 99%
Quiz created with MemeGen!