Weekend wickedness 🙂

by | Sep 26, 2004

Well I’ve had a good weekend…

I went to a gallery with my mother on Friday – saw some great paintings and had lunch.. so nice to catch up with her.

Then I had a short session focussed (very tightly) on trampling with a g/s (in a bottle!) at the end… very fun.

I had discussed an extended session with a newer sub of mine, but we hadn’t discussed further – then he contacted me asking if it was still possible to go ahead… Lucky for him I was still able to – it was great fun! lots and lots of caging, bondage, captivity and other torment… Very very different from other o/n sessions – but very fun!

Lots of sleep during the day on Saturday (I’d only caught a couple of hours on Friday night) plus a podiatrist appointment – my podiatrist takes very good care of my feet – to ensure that they keep smooth and survive all the extreme heels I put them in!

Today I got to play headmistress for another short session – such a contrast to the extended ones, but shows that there are benefits to both!