How good is wireless internet – especially when it’s someone else’s network! I’m staying with a friend in a beautiful converted warehouse apartment in Richmond… and I asked if I could sign onto his network only to discover that it’s not his – just some random network in the building! hehehehe
Only a little bit of shopping so far 😉 but I’m going to be heading out for some more tomorrow…
My trip up was good – amazing the way value works out – stay in un-powered tent site (with my own tent mind you) at a “Holiday Park” – $40, stay in beautiful National Park $13, stay in motel room – $95… I’m staying at a friend’s house, but another time I came to Melbourne I stayed at a boutique 4 star hotel and it cost about $150 a night (on some special deal) Just goes to show that the best value is either in the wilds, or somewhere special…
It’s funny – I’m not usually very good at relaxing – I always think that I should be achieving something… whatever that something may be… but when I’m out somewhere in the bush – by the sea – then I am totally able to just lounge around, read my book, poke the fire, sit on a rock on the beach, look at trees, draw pictures in the sand – whatever… I stop feeling so driven and let go of any anxiety…
My new website went live just before I left! Huge thanks to badpauly for putting it all together – and of course to serpentine_kiss and kellilasub for taking so many of the beautiful photos that make me look better than I deserve 😉