Well that was fun

by | Mar 19, 2005

Last night’s Hellfire was very fun…

It was Midori’s last hurrah in Sydney – she’s at the l’erotica ball in Melbourne tonight as are many of my friends…. I looked into getting tickets a week or so ago, but decided that in light of my visiting the states in less than a month it was better to save my money to spend on shoes and latex!

Anyway I feel very lucky to have met her, and she’s given me some very good advice. I hope our schedules coincide enough that we get to have a beer in San Francisco when I’m there in May.

The workshop was “Bondage outside of the Box” – it was very fun… Midori showed us amusing and horrible ways to torment people using the contents of a $2.00 shop! I suspect I have a slight tendency to fall victim to “Serious Leather” – so was a welcome reminder. Props to grey_evil_twin for being the best sport ever and imbuing a terrible “Party Animal” hat with far too much personality 😉

Then it was Hellfire proper – I got to catch up with a lot of good friends of mine – Canberra seemed to come up a couple of times! I’ve been thinking about possibly going down now and then because I have a number of very good submissives who drive up to see me…. I’ve been looking into apartment rentals – but discovered last night that a friend of mine (who also worked at SK for a while) is setting up a dungeon down in Canberra! Very exciting news – she actually had a one-on-one with Midori who went down to teach a “how to be a ProDomme” workshop that ended up being advanced dungeon design from what I can tell 😀 very exciting!

Otherwise the usual Hellfire fare – spanking a naughty boi who took teasing liberties too far ;), having a bit of a dance and lots and lots of chatting and swanning around in leather… I could insert a long lj list of people, but that would be telling!

Ultra had some interesting things to tell me. Apparently someone’s been trying to bignote themselves by saying unflattering things about me – yeah whatever….