Well I did end up going to Hellfire last night – though it was touch and go for some time as the fire at home was nice and warm and it was very cold outside!
However in the end I rocked up to badpauly’s house and went with him and and a mate of his who was there too – always good to have someone to walk me to and from the car – I’m not a nervous person, but I don’t really like wandering the streets in full fetish by myself.
I had decided on my new Vex latex uniform dress – polished to a very high shine of course! With 8″ heels and cap… of course Pauly got to see the beta version where I was wearing white sneakers to drive in.
Had a great night – chatted to lots and lots of people – I always forget how many people I know! I’d do a big lj-tag list but I can’t be bothered doing it by hand as I don’t have a client on this borrowed poota 🙁 anyways waves to everyone again… I was introduced to a nice shiney boy in a catsuit by Pauly – so we polished each other’s backs… mmmmm – nothing like rubbing eros on a boy’s shiney latex bottom 😉 hehehehe – I was almost going to be the polish police, but then thought better of it as well it’s not my problem if people don’t shine themselves up! I suspect catsuit-boy enjoyed polishing me too – hehehe – I had to have a little sit down afterwards as the room was suddenly surprisingly hot – hehehehe – not that I have a fetish or anything!…
Lots of sexy people in fabulous fetish fashion of course – and also lots of crimes against fashion… Arrrggghhhh – I won’t go into detail of the terrible things I saw, because I’m sure to offend everyone 😉 but suffice it to say I was rendered incredulous by what some people will wear – it makes me wonder if they have mirrors in their homes!
beltmeplease was there at his first Hellfire! Of course once I saw him I decided that he must he hawked around as many of my female friends as possible so they could all tease him and grope his cb3000 through his pants – very amusing! I also ordered him to watch Princess’s peep-show so hopefully there will be a report back on all the rude things she was doing to herself in there 😉
Anyway – was all much fun – even if I was super good and only had a bottle of water to keep me going as I’m still doing detox! So there was no plying my with naughty cocktails…
There’s a play party tonight I’m thinking of going to – lots of people I know should be there and at least I won’t have to yell to talk to people – always the downside of a nightclub as you end up having very strained conversations and coming home the next day having lost your voice.