Something so relaxing about a rainy sunday watching tv and reading the paper. Though this morning I was out and about so not all slug-land 😉
Not that the tv I’ve been half watching has been terribly enticing – an old Ben Stiller movie called Heavy Weights which was about kids at a fat camp… The Ben Stiller character was basically the same one in Dodgeball – almost funny but not very good. I would have been better off watching Firefly on dvd!
I saw a preview of Serenity on Wednesday night – it was fabulous! But I still missed a lot of the depth that you get in the tv series… there’s an interesting article in the Herald about it.
Oh – and exciting news for my “girls” – new shoes arrived!
Baby pink size 13 stilettos – so cute
and a pair of classic black stilettos in a size 12 (the ones I already have are a 14 which is too big for most people)…
I love shopping for my cross dressing wardrobe and have added quite a few new things lately – I think I should organise kellilasub to take some photos of some of the fabulous new gear to entice all those sluts and sissies to come and play 😉