Well my first round of website updates are up and looking good – much thanks to badpauly.
I’ve separated out some of the information in the “Sessions” section so it’s not a big scroll-fest to get to the pricing (mainly cause that’s what so many people ask when they ring me). Plus I put up a few reviews that people wrote – several from last year’s trip to the States because it seems like they’re more prone to write! Of course any Aussie subs who wanted to write session reviews are more than welcome to – for any Mistress, not just me – so the resource is a bit more useful for people not in the US…
There’s also a few new pics including the following of me and Mistress Serena
I’ve asked the wonderful serpentine_kiss (who took this pic) to curate a gallery for me – which is a little bit lazy, but she’s taken so many amazing wonderful photos that I haven’t used I thought I’d let her choose…
Oh – and speaking of both serp and Mistress Serena – clicky clicky as she’s updated her site with a few new pics and changed her copy…