Just got the news about Reactor’s new store… they’ve come back to Newtown!
Now I know they were only closed for a short while – but they have my vac bed that was in for repairs and also a new top that I was getting custom made for me (I’m a very non-standard shape – waist/hip ratio)
Plus I need to get a repair done on my beautiful vex dress…
Reactor Rubberwear
82 Enmore Road
Newtown NSW 2042
But the new opening hours are a bit restricted – according the the website they’re going to closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…
In session news I’ve been having fun as usual – seeing someone new last night who it turned out I remembered seeing one of my original mentors Mistress Claudia when I was an apprentice at Salon Kittys! We had a great session and he went away with a very red bottom 😉