Chained and chaste!

by | Jun 22, 2006

I have been having a couple of fun relaxed days recently – been to lots of yoga, wandered around Newtown looking super scruffy, enjoyed reading in bed during the day (well it’s nice and warm there!) and listening to music…

But have had some fun sessions – including one last night that was with a regular sub of mine who’s into a range of different things but who’s had a facination with chastity play for some time… he’s bought himself a CB3000 and brought it into session last night!

Now he’s only just started working out which spacers/ring etc are going to work – but I had fun last night deciding that the chosen ring wasn’t secure enough!

The device was on for the whole session – I have to say the look on his face when I directed a very high force g/s right into the cage at the end of the session was priceless! Especially when I told him to have a shower and get dressed again before I gave him back the keys at the door 😉 hmmm – a very good introduction to the CB3000!