I recieved a dose of shock from a friend of mine who owns an adult store when I told her that I’ve never actually watched a porno… she was trying to lend me one – either that or she was just enjoying making me blush 😉
Though she did show me a trailer for a new movie that’s just come out Pirates XXX which looks like it would be fun apart from all the sex 😉 But seriously – check out the trailer – it’s amazing!
Fun session today with someone I’ve been seeing for a few months now – he’d had a very specific routine that he’d done with a Mistress out of Sydney – then when he moved here went through some interesting experiences trying to find someone compatible… bad me – we still snicker about some of them! Today was very fun – ever since the first session he’s been very open to exploring new things – deviating from his very specific script more and more – but today I got to do whatever I wanted! Yumm… though I know him well enough to understand where best to push and where to hold back (for a while anyway).
I know a lot of Mistresses don’t like following a “script” – and mostly I’m not into that either – but I do appreciate that often subs may need to feel comfortable that the Mistress is going to respect their boundaries and interests… but it all comes down to compatability I guess.
In other non-fetish or rude news – I have a Hello Kitty toaster!!! Which I’ve wanted for ages… and I’ve made toast adorned with Hello Kitty’s face – but to be honest it’s a bit like the Virgin Mary on a tortilla – you have to have faith.
Lucky I have faith in Hello Kitty 😉 though I have to admit I’ve been mostly using my regular shiny toaster – because the pale ghost of kitty’s face can make the whole toast experience a little doughy and disapointing.
But in memeland news…
Your results:
You are Poison Ivy
You would go to almost any length for the protection of the environment including manipulation and elimination.![]() |