I was back at the office as it were yesterday. Such an amazing contrast – I remember when I came back from a trip to Italy back in 99 – just before I started Mistressing professionally when I was still working for a big international agency… I’d tried to sort things out for when I came back, but of course things never really work out the way you’d hope – especially if you’re me. Quite talented at certain things, utter crap at others! It was so stressful – ergh… so glad I don’t have that sort of pointless stress anymore.
This time when I got back I walked into my dungeon and was immediately checking things out – hmmm – that piece of equipment is on the wrong shelf… and that’s about it. Good thing I didn’t leave anyone locked up in a cage somewhere 😉
First session back was fantastic – three hours of heavy cbt with adam4cbt as one would expect there was a *lot* of heavy ball busting, punching with my weighted sap gloves, some brutal kicks, squeezing, twisting, pulling – all the good things 🙂 We also did quite a bit of electrical (using a new toy too), and I did a lovely butterfly board…
So very fun
I was just at the airport again – not for me this time! My mother was heading off to KL for a conference 🙂 I have to say I’m happy to be at home for a while – though I did have a dream I was going to New Zealand this morning… not quite sure why.