“Focrced” bi sessions… not for me

by | Oct 2, 2007

Occasionally I get requests from subs who want to be “forced” into a sexual interaction with another male slave… I understand that this is an exciting prospect for many – but to me – just not my thing.

I have done these sessions a couple of times in the past, on request only of course (years ago now), bringing in a personal slave of mine… just to see if it might be fun (for me) but really – I don’t find it very entertaining at all! I’m not really a voyeur – I always want to be doing something myself – so watching two males do sexual things just isn’t interesting to me. Plus from my perspective it involves far too much organisation! Yawn

On another more serious note – I’m disturbed to hear (not infrequently) about other Mistresses who “spring” these sorts of interactions on subs. I know this might be terribly exciting to some – but I tend to think that the chance of violating an (admittedly unspoken) hard limit is too dangerous.

I’m appalled to be honest – and want to reassure anyone who sees me that there is absolutely no chance of them ever running into another sub… let alone being required to sexually interact…