I hate Bunnings

by | Dec 16, 2007

I think I’m the only person in the world who hates Bunnings… (which I think is the same as Home Depot I think for US people)

I went out for drinks last night and a friend of mine who’s even more girly than I am said she loved it – no one had any sympathy with me for having to venture into what always feels to me like the bastion of bloke-land filled with a wide range of incomprehensible bits and pieces.

I’m just not a tomboy – never was really to my mother’s disappointment – she wanted me to wear jeans and climb trees and I wanted frilly dresses… which is why it was good to reclaim my makeup bag from storage and go out in heels and a pretty outfit last night.

The renovations at the new dungeon continue along thanks to the wonderful team of helpers – I’m not sure if this is what’s meant by “slave labour” but hey – it worked for the pyramids 😉

I might take my camera to the site this morning and get some photos of the work so we can document just how it’s progressing… though I wonder what my dear friend from bigair will think if I post photos of myself in full scruff with plaster dust on my face 😉 s/he’s oh-so-excited by the double dare post but still hasn’t taken the dare (quelle surprise)