Decadence – no one said that in the meme!

by | Feb 26, 2009

such a decadent few days… I had lunch with my best friend Mistress Serena yesterday – at Cafe Sopra – ooooh – so good! It’s the inhouse cafe at Fratelli Fresh and is all about the beautiful produce. Nomnomnom 😀

Then I went into town and dropped two pairs of Louboutin’s off at the cobbler in the Strand Arcade – nothing wrong – never fear! I was just having red vibram soles applied as the trademark red leather bottoms get scuffed very easily… so preventative measures are in order!

Further decadence ensured looking for a new wallet – I checked out all the high end boutiques – then went home feeling a little confused to give it some thought.

Today I had lunch with some other friends, and back to pick up my beloved Loubs – and buy some high-end leather dressing for them. Apparently I need shoe trees – oooh…. they were so lovely (the people in the shoe repairers) – caressing my shoes and telling me what beautiful quality they were. To be honest seeing their reaction impresses me a lot more than seeing a celebrity wearing them on the red carpet. Fashion is one thing – but workmanship is another – happiness… they gave me a beautiful soft polishing cloth for them and didn’t charge for repairing a minor scratch. hehehe – and apparently – it’s good to be young – which made me smile cause I don’t really see myself as a headstrong young thing frittering all her money on shoes 😉 usually I’m very sensible with things like paying the mortgage and “investing in my business” though that’s probably a lot more exciting than for most people – things like new rubber hoods and electro devices!

Oh – and I did decide on a new wallet……

It’s pink – and Chanel – soft quilted leather – soooo nice. I had money that people had given me for my birthday a few months ago and I’d decided to put it towards a new wallet – so now I have one! My old wallet was black – and while it was beautiful leather (Furla) just not quite me. A little – umm – butch I guess 😉

hahahaha – this one not so much – pink Chanel rather on the girly side 😉

and my poor team while all this decadence has been going on?

Working hard!

I’m shooting a video in a week or so and they’ve been making sure everything is even better than usual for the shoot. Including a heap of changes in my school room – as there will be a scene in there – plus of course I do love doing any sort of school role play….

Oh – and I’ve been promising some photos from my last shoot with Rod Sydney 🙂 here’s a sneak peek…

Check out the beautiful custom Hello Kitty corset from Electra designs – big thanks to my wonderful slave sk_ott