- 11:01 a bit sore from Martial Arts yesterday – that’s what I get for having too long a break! Coffee and vegemite toast make everything better 🙂 #
- 13:22 I was wondering if my domestic discipline sub would be an hour early – but he’s turned his clocks back too 🙂 #
- 13:24 @robvondoom – one week’s not too long… sigh – that’s a reminder I should do a detox too – though I cut out wheat, sugar, caffiene as well #
- 14:44 Smack,smack! Otk, a sound strapping, a dozen with the kooboo and the ever-present threat of the Dragon in case of worse behaviour… #
- 15:46 Damn! I’ve lost my nail polish bag, just when I have a slave to give me a pedicure too 🙁 I’m sure it will show up eventually… #
- 16:03 Giggle, who knew pinging someone with a rubber band would be so torturous?! Though perhaps being all stretched and bound in the cell “helps” #
- 19:39 potato pizza is on the way – this is a Very Good Thing! My foot massage nearly put me to sleep – smile… but I’m awake enough for snack #