I keep promising to post some more pictures – one of my overseas subs just emailed me some photos I took with his camera during our sessions while he was here – the red and black hood in this one is his, not one of mine… which makes me slightly jealous, but then I do have five rubber hoods already 😉 But there’s always room for one more! Especially as I’ve been drooling at studiogum and some of the pics Troy Orleans has been posting on twitter!
In other news I’ve been hearing whispers from badpauly about my update – things are really truly happening 😉 I’m not quite decided if I should put reviews on there… If so I need to hunt them all down! And tag them – because I think that would probably be really useful for people to be able to find things they’re interested in.
I also get a little worried that reviews create false expectations – because each session is unique, you can’t really duplicate it. So sometimes people will say something like “I want a session like the one with so-and-so” and I don’t necessarily remember it – or would be able to do the same thing a second time with a different person.
But still – I guess it does show that plenty of people have seen me and survived 😉 and that I’ve been doing all these fun sordid things for some time.