by | Jun 28, 2009

  • 15:53 session was hilarious fun as always – slut prancing around in “her” own tawdry finery – then violated and abused…. #
  • 16:45 ooh – here comes the rain again (though not falling on my head like a tragedy) but it’s pretty serious sounding rain! #
  • 17:09 @MistressWynter – *I* was emailing you – and pining… and talking about you behind your back 😉 #
  • 20:42 blergh…. weird mood tonight – grumble grumble #
  • 20:42 @DanniPandemos yay! That’s good news… 🙂 #
  • 22:41 hehe – I have baby pink pee. So pretty! it must be all the beetroot 😉 #
  • 23:04 attn: pedicure slaves 🙂 #
  • 23:05 @TheKeenReader I did earlier today but I think he was too distracted to notice the colour 😉 #
  • 23:06 @thepixiepop I should put some in a wine glass next time instead of applying direct 😉 it’s hard to appreciate the colour splashing around! #