- 10:56 @MistressWynter new boots – perks… Pics please, not that I’m a pervy boot fetishist or nuffin 😉 #
- 10:58 Sigh – unreliable older slave is very unreliable… I wonder if he got lost again. I’d stop taking his bookings but it would break his heart #
- 11:00 Oh – I think @jstroker would be much better off firmly tethered 😉 #
- 11:11 @st75ph so true! Human barbie dolls for Dommes 😀 #
- 14:18 @MistressWynter bwahahahaha – you know I love you right? Almost as much as boots 😉 #
- 14:39 Sometimes discretion is the better part of stupidity! If you’re a little forgetful write things down! #subfail #
- 16:13 RT @NathanFillion: saw the fires creeping towards homes. Praying for you. To the men and women fighting with their lives, our thanks #
- 18:39 Oops I got distracted talking to @therealmrsbirch running late for kung fu training now! #
- 18:43 @PassionAndSoul hey! You’re coming to Australia soon! How come I didn’t know that before? xxx #