by | Sep 11, 2009

  • 00:24 Very sleepy… such a big day today… sigh #
  • 12:17 Yum, just heading into an intro session… Novices are such fun 🙂 #
  • 14:07 @TheRealMrsBirch Have a relaxing weekend – and enjoy your birthday too! #
  • 14:09 soo hungry… must – find – foooood #
  • 16:29 Another nervous newbie 😉 this time for full transformation! I’m looking forward to bringing out the girl inside the everyday bloke… #
  • 18:34 All Aussie men should swear! Take the oath – never to commit violence against women… #
  • 19:35 Getting all glammed up for my friend’s birthday cocktails tonight! Loubs will be getting another run 😉 #
  • 19:39 @JohnnyFloor Yay that’s a good thing 🙂 I’m sure plenty of Aussie women need a nice compliant floor…. #