- 12:26 Awesome! Just spoke to Mr S and my bodybag will be on its way tomorrow 🙂 #
- 13:02 @PlanetMidori ooh – maybe I need a little amulet to him 😉 or St Christopher… #
- 13:21 @msgenevieve I’m so sorry to hear that… x #
- 16:20 @subgirlchicago oh I’m so sorry to hear that…. hugs and best wishes for you #
- 16:32 new post on msservalan.livejournal.com/ – with lots of bondage pics from a recent session 🙂 #
- 16:34 @subgirlchicago oh wow… that’s so intense. Maybe it was just too hard for him to see her like that… #
- 17:11 wow – someone on fetlife has a bit of a chip on their shoulder…. #