- 23:56 OMG – I *need* this…. RT @MistressAdira: This is sensational and would make the PERFECT gift for a Domme *winks* bit.ly/uHIAw #
- 23:57 @skott303 yay – kitten snuggles ftw! #
- 10:48 @Bex_the_Femme yum, blood 🙂 #
- 11:06 I don’t understand why the cook at corellis was being so bolshie about my toast… Just burn it already! I loathe underdone toast 🙁 #
- 13:21 intense workout – better go grab some protein… #
- 13:26 oh noes – my poor naughty schoolboy for today had to cancel cause of nasty fillings 🙁 at a loose end now… #
- 13:43 @EveMinax owwwie – take care of yourself Mistress xxx #
- 13:46 Oooh – I just noticed it’s the 1st today – that means my birthday in a few days! Lavish me with gifts and cupcakes please 😉 #
- 13:48 @skott303 go to Radical leather, or Demon leather or SAX…. #
- 15:41 oh noes! RT @MistressWynter: I made a lolcat! bit.ly/3b8jJQ #
- 20:54 @Madam_Divine I’m not fond of most Tiffany jewellry, it’s overpriced considering it’s machine made in Thailand… #
- 20:57 @amandapalmer peter andre used to train at my gym in Sydney 14 years ago. He always seemed friendly and polite then… #