by | Oct 8, 2009

  • 09:38 Eek, running late for gym… Better get my skates on! I blame the snuggly kitties entirely 😉 #
  • 13:48 this wind is intense! what happened to our nice spring sunshine? #
  • 14:44 Was just wandering through Better Red than Dead… So many books I’d like to read! #
  • 16:34 @MsJadis ha! 😉 #
  • 16:38 @MistressKatya those socks are adorable! I was given a HK blankie on tuesday 🙂 #
  • 18:13 Welcome home to @miss_fleur ! I have to buy you a decent coffee and catch up on the traveler’s tales 🙂 #
  • 21:44 exactly! RT @mistressmatisse column: “Pro domme vs. Hooker-with-a-whip” or, “Whose Boundaries Are They Anyway?” #