Well the week of super long sessions came to an end. I have to admit I was a little worried that I’d have run out of enthusiasm and ideas by the last of the three as while I’ve been doing overnight/ all day and even multi-day sessions for many years now and absolutely *love* them it’s unusual to have three in quick succession like that!
But in the end each sub’s journey is unique – so each session is fresh for me.
I met a new (to me) caning enthusiast this afternoon and was telling him how even after ten years I’m still so in love with being a ProDomme, I wake up in the morning looking forward to all the fun things I get to do. I believe a big part of this is because I’m so specific about what I do and don’t do – if I don’t enjoy it then I don’t do it… like “hand relief” the reason I don’t do that is not for legal reasons like a lot of my Domme friends in the States – it’s cause I think it’s boring and just not my thing 😉 some ladies here do, some don’t it’s their call and I respect everyone’s decision as to what’s right for them – what makes them feel powerful and sexy.
Lucky for me I have such a wide and diverse range of interests, and a wide and diverse range of subs who give themselves over to me 😀