So I’ve embarked on an alcohol free month and have signed up for Dry July
Now those who know how much I love good red wine and delicious champagne will be impressed 😉 I’ve actually taken my last bottles of Mumm and a case of red and locked them away for the next few weeks! So no bringing me any tempting treats when you come visit… well unless it’s some Peppermint or Jasmine tea 😉
There are often two reasons for doing things – the “right” one and the “real” one. The right reason for Dry July is that my Mother is in remission with Multiple Myeloma and I’m raising money for one of the hospitals she’s been treated at (Prince of Wales). The real reason is that I think it would be a healthy thing to do a month alcohol free – and I’ve already taken the opportunity to incorporate a Juice Cleanse and will probably do another few days cleansing later in the month.
Feel free to donate! In fact if you bring along a copy of your receipt for over $50 I’ll add an extra half hour to your session time to say thank you 🙂
This is me last Friday night with a cup of tea in my little Bunnykins mug – hehee