Easter availability for Team Carisbrook 😉

by | Apr 5, 2012

Just a quick note in case people were wondering 🙂

Both Mistress Jadis and myself are available over the Easter extra-long weekend. I have an exciting overnight session on Sunday night so am not available on Monday (cause I’ll be relaxing and gloating) but Ms Jadis will be holding the fort for me then. Don’t forget it’s her birthday on the 20th of April – she’ll be away lazing around in a glamorous resort on her actual birthday day so if you have something special for her don’t leave it till the last minute!

I thought I might stick in a couple of happy snaps from a recent rubber session – excuse the bad photography but I was holding the camera at arm’s length and hoping for the best!

If you’re wondering exactly what’s happening – it’s my version of breast smothering – using the gas mask tube! Heheheee