and (not) a year older 😉 I've decided to stay my (european) shoe size for the foreseeable future – heheee
My birthday was very fun – thank you so much to all the lovely messages and presents from my friends, slaves and followers! I shall have to put up some photos of some of the exciting pieces I received… Of course if you were wondering about a gift you're welcome to check out my <a href="">wishlist</a> – it's the very first time I've put one of these together 😉 you may find it slightly hilarious that the shoes I've listed are the decidedly un-sexy birkenstocks! I'm always happy to buy my own glamorous Louboutins (I currently own 11 pairs) – but baulk at spending money on the more utilitarian items 😉
I've been very busy with sessions lately – and am excited to be about to start another of my massive multi-day experiences. So be aware I will be even harder to catch on the phone for a few days from the 25th – if you're curious about just what on earth happens in a session that goes for four or five days make sure to check my twitter account as I like to post occasional updates and photographs of what's going on.